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Filming in Haldimand

Haldimand County is a growing destination for the film and television industry and we are committed to assisting with these projects in our community. Our team can help with selecting a location, applying for permits and complying with local regulations.

For more information and to get started, contact our economic development team.

Filming permits

A film permit is required if your production is located on, or affects the use of public property (such as a road, sidewalk, park or facility). If you’re filming on private property, regulations may still apply and we encourage you to contact us to ensure compliance. 

Filming guidelines

All filming requests must be submitted, at minimum, 5 business days before filming begins. If the project involves road closures or special effects, then submission is required at least 10 business days before filming.

Depending on the nature of your project additional approvals may be required from our Roads, By-Law and Emergency Services divisions, and/or provincial entities such as the Ontario Provincial Police and Ministry of Transportation.

Filming in Haldimand County can provide local businesses and volunteer groups a chance to obtain financial benefits for participating in various filming locations.

Filming in Haldimand County should be a positive experience for all parties involved. The uniqueness and beauty of Haldimand County make it a favorable choice for filming, however, the needs of the industry must be balanced against any adverse effects resulting from the film industry’s activities.

The following guidelines apply to all location filming which takes place in Haldimand County, except for current affairs and newscasts.

  • Feature Films
  • Television Films
  • Television Network Programs/Series
  • Television Commercials (commercial, government, non-profit)
  • Documentaries 
  • Educational Films
  • Commercial Photography
  • Other projects as approved by Council

  • Projects that break Municipal By-laws, Provincial or Federal Laws
  • Projects that are expected to be released with a pornographic rating
  • Projects that are distasteful to the general public or socially sensitive

All applications requesting approval for location filming within Haldimand County should be submitted in writing to the Senior Economic Development Officer at Haldimand County.  The application includes the following information and documents:

  1. Documentation and Fees 
    • Film Permit Application (see Appendix 1)
    • Location Film Permit (see Appendix 2)
    • Security Deposit (minimum $5,000.00)
    • Commercial General Liability Insurance ($2,500,000.00) 
    • Automobile Third-Party Liability Insurance ($2,500,000.00) 
    • Filming Fee Payable to Haldimand County (See paragraph 25)
  2. A script
  3. A shooting schedule
  4. If filming on provincially owned property, then Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Government Services must be named as an additional insured. The Production Company or application is required to provide written proof that the Province authorizes the use of property(s) owned by them.
  5. In the event that the location is privately owned, it is advisable that the production company contacts the Haldimand County Senior Economic Development Officer to request information on any policy and procedures, municipal restrictions or by-laws, which may affect the film.  Also the production company should obtain written permission from the property owner and copy the same permission to the Haldimand County Senior Economic Development Officer.
  6. A parking plan must be submitted to Haldimand County Senior Economic Development Officer if more than 12 production vehicles are used at one filming location.  If required a review and approval of parking in association with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), Haldimand County Fire Chief, Haldimand County Land Ambulance Manager and Haldimand County Roads Operations Division, Public Works Department will then be conducted.
  7. Production Companies or applicants must identify their intent to use guns, gunfire, explosives, bombs/mock ups, flash power, detonators, and flammable liquids/materials including the filming of dangerous stunts to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), Haldimand County Fire Chief and Haldimand County Land Ambulance Manager.  The Production Company must provide a copy of a filming site map, which explains where all special effects will occur to the Senior Economic Development Officer of Haldimand County.
  8. Haldimand County may arrange to have department staff (one) on location to provide access to facilities, contacts, site supervision etc.
  9. A copy of all notification letters to residents and businesses must be submitted to the Senior Economic Development Officer for reference and distribution to Council if required. The notification will include the name of the Production Manager, title of the production, telephone number of the production office, the Location Manager and the Location Assistant if requested.
  10. A letter or some formality of proof must be identified if money is being provided to local businesses or residents for their time, property use or inconvenience when filming.  The total amount of money provided to local businesses and residents must be reported to the Senior Economic Development Officer.
  11. The Economic Development and Tourism Manager or designate shall have the authority to grant permission for a film shoot in the event that proper notification to Haldimand County Council and staff cannot be given due to the production company’s timeline. This exception shall only be utilized in circumstances where a minimum amount of time is required by the production company to either photograph or film a specific location. The production company must meet all of the necessary conditions outlined in the Filming Guidelines such as a film permit, shooting schedule, security deposit, a copy of the script, proof of insurance coverage and filming fee.  It shall be the responsibility of the production company to notify the residents in advance of the shoot. The decision to allow or not allow the film shoot will be left to the discretion of the Economic Development and Tourism Manager or designate. This exception to the guidelines will not be permitted if the production company is not in compliance with all of the other conditions as outlined in these guidelines. If a Film Fee has been waived, the Production Company must give named credit to Haldimand County in any credits that are produced for the production.

Film production inquires and applications for Haldimand County should be forwarded to:

Senior Economic Development Officer
Haldimand County, 53 Thorburn St. South Cayuga, ON, NOA 1EO Telephone: 905-318-5932 ext. 6315
Fax: 905-772-3542 

The Senior Economic Development Officer will be notified of all location filming not less than five (5) business days in advance of filming activity.  Filming that includes (but is not limited to) full road closures and special effects require at least ten (10) business days to receive County approval.

Community:  The production company MUST notify affected residents, occupants and businesses in advance of filming. Notification of all location filming shall be not less than five (5) business days in advance of filming activity. Information such as duration, location of filming, planned special effects, road and lane closures, sidewalk usage and street parking restrictions must be communicated in writing to all areas affected by filming activity.  A copy of all notification letters must be submitted to the Senior Economic Development Officer for reference and distribution to Council. Note that 5 business days notification may be waived in accordance with guideline 5.11

Haldimand County Council and Staff:  Haldimand County Council and staff will be notified by the Senior Economic Development Officer a minimum of five (5) business days prior to all filming activity through the means on an internal memo or e-mail.  The notification will include the name of the production company, title, type, topic content, and general information such as address/location of filming, shoot dates and any other relevant information.

The local community should be free of any negative environmental conditions resulting from filming.  This includes (but not limited to) spillover lighting, exhaust fumes or noise that may affect their ability to enjoy their property or conduct their business.  The production company is under no obligation to provide compensation for disruption unless it voluntarily agrees to do so with residents/ occupants /businesses or otherwise has legal obligation to do so. Production vehicles arriving on location in or near a residential neighborhood shall not enter the area before the time stipulated on the Film Location Permit. Production vehicles shall park one by one, turning off engines a soon as possible. Cast and crew vehicles shall observe designated parking areas noted by location on the parking plan.

Noise:  The production company must comply with legislation governing noise

Lighting:  Lighting for filming should be orientated away from neighboring residences

Generators:  All generators used on streets or in public areas will be equipped with silencing attachments unless otherwise approved

Night Filming: Filming will not proceed between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. without proper notification to residents.

Pedestrian Traffic: All cables and similar items are to be channeled as not to affect pedestrian traffic.

Exceptions to the above conditions require the approval of the majority of affected residents and the local governing departments and/or Council.

Interference with pedestrian or vehicular traffic must be accompanied with proper approvals.

Every opportunity must be allowed to ensure access, either vehicular or pedestrian, to persons with disabilities. 

Production vehicles must comply with appropriate traffic regulations unless permission has been granted at time of permitting.

Except where a road has been closed for filming, all moving vehicles must adhere to the posted speed limits and to other lawful conditions unless directed otherwise by a Pay Duty Police Officer.  Intermittent traffic stoppages limited to a maximum of 3 minutes, unless otherwise stated and shall be under the supervision of a Pay Duty Police Officer.  It is the production company’s responsibility to arrange for Pay Duty Police Officers.  All costs associated with these requirements are the expense of the Production Company or applicant.  Paid Duty rates are subject to change annually.  

For more information on road closures please contact:   Ontario Provincial Police at 905-772-3322.

Please note that road closures on all provincial roads (such as Highway 6 and Highway 3) are subject to Ministry of Transportation approval.  

For more information on provincial road closures please contact: Ministry of Transportation at 519-873-4730

Be advised that if any traffic light alterations or corridor changes are needed (changing length of lights, turning off lights, closing bridges or re-routing traffic etc.) that this work is to be done by an employee of Haldimand County Roads Operations Division, Public Works Department.  

For more information on traffic alterations  please contact: Haldimand CountyRoads Operations Division, Public Works Department at 905-318-5932

Production vehicles must not block fire hydrants or park in fire routes or within 9 meters of an intersecting street or impede any emergency response vehicles.  In all circumstances production vehicles cannot block bus stops, pedestrian crossovers, signalized intersections, driveways, accesses/egresses/ingresses, ramps, parking lot entrances and accessible parking for persons with disabilities.  

The bulk of the production and crew vehicles should be parked off major municipal road allowances when filming occurs and a copy of the film’s permit must be displayed in the windows of all production vehicles. It is the responsibility of the  production company to determine in advance, the number of production vehicles requiring such a permit. It is up to the film company to make alternate parking arrangements for residents in possession of a valid street-parking permit for that  area whose vehicles are displaced by the filming activity. Relocating vehicles by towing to accommodate filming or parking will not be permitted.  

A parking plan must be submitted to the Haldimand County Senior Economic Development Officer if more than 12 production vehicles are used at one filming location.  A review and approval of parking in association with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), Haldimand County Fire Chief and Haldimand County Land Ambulance Manager may then be conducted.    

Production Companies or applicants must identify their intent to use guns, gunfire, explosives, bombs/mock ups, flash power, detonators, and flammable liquids/materials including the filming of dangerous stunts to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), Haldimand County Fire Chief and Haldimand County Land Ambulance Manager.

Pay Duty Officers are required for the detonation of pyrotechnic special effects and dangerous situations.  All costs associated with these requirements and related clean up are at the expense of the Production Company or applicant. The Production Company or applicant must provide a copy of a filming site map, which explains where all special effects will occur to the Senior Economic Development Officer.  

For more information on special effects please contact:

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) – 905-772-3322 

Haldimand County Fire Prevention Officers and Haldimand County Paramedic Deputy Chiefs.

Haldimand County Emergency Services at or at 905-318-5932 ext. 6230.

Police Officers:

Police Officers are required for any detonation of pyrotechnic special effects, road closures or traffic control compliance, and the Production Company or applicant is responsible for covering any associated costs. It is the production company’s responsibility to arrange for Pay Duty Police Officers.  All costs associated with these requirements are the expense of the Production Company or applicant.  

For more information on Pay Duty Police Officers please contact: Ontario Provincial Police (OPP): 905-772-3322 

Fire and Ambulance Attendants:

Fire and Ambulance attendants must be notified 2 days in advance of any detonation of pyrotechnic special effects or traffic intermittent stoppages/road closures.  Haldimand County Fire and Ambulance Staff require maps of the road closure locations.  

For more information on Haldimand County Fire and Ambulance please contact:  

Haldimand County Fire Prevention Officers and Haldimand County Paramedic Deputy Chiefs.

Haldimand County Emergency Services at or at 905-318-5932 ext. 6230 .

If the production company or applicant desires to alter the normal setting of a rural landscape, residential neighborhood or urban area or build a filming set all designs must be approved by the Haldimand County Building Division.  A site inspection or approval of technical drawings may be required.  Special or temporary use by-laws may also be required.  Usually a two-week time period is appropriate for approval of Building Division plans.  A special or temporary use by-law, which supersedes the current zoning by-law, may require a longer approval period.

For more information on building codes and approvals please contact:

Haldimand County Planning and Development Department Building and By-law Division: 905-318-5932

If the production company or applicant desires to film on a Haldimand County park, picnic area or baseball diamond they must rent the facilities accordingly.  The facilities include:


  • Caledonia Kinsmen Park – pavilion available
  • Cayuga Kinsmen Park – picnic area available
  • Dunnville Central Park Dunnville Lions Park – pavilion available
  • Dunnville Wingfield Park
  • Hagersville Lions Park – 2 picnic areas and a pavilion available
  • Hagersville Grant Kett Memorial Park

Ball Diamonds 

  • Cayuga Kinsmen Park
  • Dunnville Kinsmen Park (2 diamonds) Dunnville
  • Fairview Park (2 diamonds) Dunnville Lions Park (1 diamond)
  • Dunnville Other Ball Diamonds: Anna Melick; Central School; Grandview School; Oswego Park; Thompson Creek - No Charge - must make arrangements with school during the school year
  • Dunnville Ramsey Drive Park (2 diamonds)
  • Hagersville Grant Kett Memorial Park (3 diamonds) Oneida Park (2 diamonds) 

These facilities range in rental prices and are updated annually.  

For more information on booking these recreation and leisure facilities please contact: Haldimand County Community Development and Partnership Division, Facility Booking Clerk: 905-318-5932 ext.6507 

Reference: Facility Rentals

All cast and crew members shall wear a production pass (badge) supplied by the production company when on location.

Production crews are responsible to clean the location at the end of filming with a minimum amount of noise and disruption.  Upon completion of the shoot, the Production Company must ensure that the area is returned to its original condition, unless otherwise approved by the Corporation of Haldimand County or other arrangements are made with the Senior Economic Development Officer of Haldimand County and noted on the permit, in which case the production company will be billed accordingly. Materials and debris are not to be washed into catch basins.

It is the responsibility of the Production Company or applicant to ensure that their staff operates in a safe and professional manner in the course of their duties. No alcoholic beverages are permitted at any time on any set or location.  Cooking food on the premises is strictly prohibited except where specifically required by the script. All catering, craft service, construction, and personal trash must be removed from the location, ensuring that all locations are returned to their original condition. Removing, trimming and/or cutting of vegetation or trees are prohibited unless approved by the relevant municipal authority (existing by-laws) or property owner. Cast and crew will refrain from the use of lewd or improper language.

Film crew and employees shall wear appropriate clothing while on location (i.e. t-shirts with offensive slogans or logos are not acceptable).  The cast and crew shall not bring guests or pets to the location, unless expressly authorized in advance by the company.

The Production Company or applicant shall indemnify and save harmless the Corporation of Haldimand County from and against all claims, actions, damages, injuries, costs, expenses or losses whatsoever, which may arise or be brought against the Corporation of Haldimand County as a result of or in connection with the said use of the location(s) by the applicant, its employees, contractors, agents or representatives; and specifically, the Corporation of Haldimand County will not be responsible for any liability arising from these activities with respect to advertising or any copyright or trademark infringements.  Security services required to ensure the overnight security of production vehicles must be arranged and paid for by the production company.  Haldimand County must be made aware of any such security arrangements and give approval prior to contract authorization.

The Production Company or applicant shall, at its own expense, including the cost of deductibles, provide and maintain:

Commercial General Liability Insurance insuring against claims arising out of this agreement, providing coverage in an amount of not less than Two Million Five Hundred Thousand ($2,500,000) Dollars per occurrence, including, but not limited to, broad form contractual liability, personal injury liability, non-owned automobile liability, cross liability and severability of interest provisions, and naming the Corporation of Haldimand County as additional insured.

Automobile Third-Party Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than Two Million Five Hundred Thousand ($2,500,000) Dollars covering all owned/leased vehicles used in connection with this agreement.

Any other forms of insurance (e.g.: Aircraft Liability, Pyrotechnics Liability, Fire Legal Liability, etc., as may be applicable) or such greater amounts with respect to the insurance of the types set out above, as the Corporation of Haldimand County may reasonably require from time to time, in the form and amounts and for insurance risks against which a prudent party would insure.

An Insurer registered to do business in the Province of Ontario must provide all insurance.  Proof of coverage, in the form of a photocopy or fax shall be provided to Haldimand County prior to filming.

The Production Company or applicant shall promptly report to Haldimand County any potentially serious accident or claims for liability or loss with respect to this agreement.

The Production Company or applicant is responsible for all out-of-pocket expenses related to the use of Haldimand County roads, properties, parks or equipment.

A security deposit in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit or certified cheque will be required in the name of Haldimand County before filming.  The amount of the deposit is dependent upon the value of the property considered for location filming.  However, a minimum amount of $5,000.00 (Five Thousand Dollars) is required for road/property damage unless the Production Company or applicant is informed, in advance of shooting, of a varying amount.  The deposit shall not be returned until all conditions have been fulfilled, including clean up and all expenses incurred by Haldimand County have been paid.  Storage charges may apply for equipment remaining after 24 hours, not retrieved by the Production Company. 

The municipality may require the payment of a fee for the use of municipal property and/or streets in Haldimand County. Recognizing that productions vary in complexity and budget, each filming activity will be evaluated on an individual basis.  The fee for staff person(s) and time will be calculated at an industry standard and must be paid by the Production Company or applicant.  This will also apply to the direct costs of any personnel or service required by the Production Company or applicant from the municipality to perform such tasks as road grading, maintenance, snow removal, closure, etc.  In addition a filming fee will be negotiated with the Production Company or applicant.  This fee will be paid prior to the commencement of filming.  The average is approximately $500.00 per day. All invoices for costs incurred as the filming fee shall be forwarded to the Production Company or applicant.

  • All electrical work and electrical equipment must be inspected and or approved by the Electrical Safety Authority’s Electrical Inspection as per the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.
  • Interior signs in buildings must not be covered, (e.g., fire exit signs) unless agreed upon prior to filming.
  • All Production Company’s must adhere to the Ontario Ministry of Labour’s Safety Guidelines for the Film & Television Industry in Ontario. 4th Edition January 1999 or most recent editions, and
  • The Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Temporary Work Sites

(This information is available from the respective Ministries or Haldimand County’s Senior Economic Development Officer.) 

There may be sensitive areas (such as heritage property) and/or properties in Haldimand County in which filming may be restricted.

The appropriate municipal officials will consider decisions about the nature and extent of filming in or around these properties.  Each case will be looked at on a case-by-case basis and is subject to the approvals of such Haldimand County officials.

Where possible, it would be appreciated if Haldimand County could be named in any credits that are produced for the production.

It would also be appreciated if Haldimand County could be forwarded a final copy of the production for their filming exhibit library.

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